Although it is only one ocean that is sorrounding all the continents but we have given them different names for our ease these oceans are divided into 4 different regions Atlantic,arctic,indian and Pacific Ocean today we will just focus on the Pacific Ocean, Pacific is so big that if a hole is created in the ocean bottom somewhere between paru and chile and digging that hole through the earth and exist through the opposite end and that exit point too would be in the Pacific Ocean near Vietnam and Taiwan. Diametrically opposite spots on earth surface are called antipodes the Pacific Ocean is so big that it has got lot of antipodes but this is just one way to gauge it's largeness. earth's circumference is 40,000 km. There are many spots in the Pacific Ocean the distance between them is half the earth's circumference almost 20,00 km the distance between Indonesia and Columbia is considered the longest portion of the Pacific Ocean which is 20,00 km i.e, an entire moon can be fitted in this region not just one but five moons. Even then also a lot of space will be left. You can imagine the massiveness of the Pacific Ocean by the fact that we cannot see the entire ocean at once. Even we can't see the Pacific Ocean in its entirety from the international space station which is orbiting 400km away the Pacific Ocean is spread over an area of 165,200,000 km^2 this area is so gigantic that it can contain the whole of North America,South America, Europe, Africa,Asia ,Greenland and the total area of Pacific Ocean is 165millon^2 whereas the combined area of all the land is 140million^2. That means all the mountains,deserts,land, forests can be fitted into the Pacific Ocean  and even after that it will have so much area left where 8 countries like India can be fitted now let's take an example of a planet the total area of mars is 148million km^2 if we compare the water in the Pacific Ocean with mars than all of mars with its mountain and craters will get submerged hinders of feets below the water it is also quite deeper as it is large on the surface this point is known as challenged deep trench till date it is the deepest point at the depth of 11km from the sea surface